using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; namespace Utils.Documentation { public class TypeDocumenter { private Type _type; private MethodInfo[] _methods; public TypeDocumenter(Type type) { Debug.Assert(type != null); _type = type; _methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); } public MethodDocumenter[] Methods { get { ArrayList retval = new ArrayList(); foreach (MethodInfo m in _methods) { if (! m.IsSpecialName) { retval.Add(new MethodDocumenter(m)); }} return (MethodDocumenter[]) retval.ToArray(typeof(MethodDocumenter)); }} public DocumentationParser XmlDocumentation(DocumentationReader docreader) { Debug.Assert(docreader != null); return new DocumentationParser(docreader.GetXmlDocumentationForType(_type)); }}}
This style feels and looks very natural to me, and I am going to start using it for all C# code I write from now on (which is very little - I do 90% of my development in Python).
I use a combination of VIM and Visual Studio .NET when developing C# code. The VIM editor handles this brace style very naturally. I haven't had time to tinker with VS.NET's indentation settings yet.
Notice that the namespace declaration has the same indent level as the class declaration. I have always done this when programming C#, since the horizontal whitespace used for indenting a class does not add any information.
Previously I used the Allman/Emacs brace style, BTW.
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